
Talking and What’s Inside…

When people talk about God, they are superior;
When people talk about things, they are average;
When people talk about people, they are idiots!


I quoted this line from the speaker of a personality development seminar I attended earlier.

Definitely, part of a person in a professional level is how he/she communicates with the rest of the subordinates in the company or the organization. Primarily, talking is one of them. The way one delivers a simple sentence would spell the character of the person.

Well, lets not talk the how’s of the talking; let’s put our perspectives into the why…

Why do we talk?

One definite answer would be conveying one’s thoughts and feelings. Yes, correct.

What are those thoughts and feelings?

A judgement on what the senses perceives? A conclusion to a series of situations? A realization of personal awareness? A biased story? A senseless idea? A provocative proposition? There goes the differences.

Is there a closure on every communication?

Do we satisfy ourselves with our expression, or we hunger for more issues or ideas? Do we confer everything before finishing a speech? Or ideas will come popping out in the middle of a talk? Are we considering coherence and adherence when we speak? If you answer mostly yes to the questions, it is but of great chance that you’re a good communicator.

The bottom line is, those thoughts and feelings we express that tells us what we are.

The less thought our communication is, the more stupid we get.

So take time to do these before speaking:

Cohere and consider.

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